A variety of personal insurance policies
Mettler Agency Inc is an independent insurance agency offering a full range of Personal Lines Insurance plans from a multitude of insurance companies. Our comprehensive commitment to Personal Lines Insurance means you always receive professional and personalized attention at your convenience.
Personal package programs can be designed to meet the individual needs of you and your family. Package your insurance and save with multi-policy discounts!
Homeowners Insurance
The house is your most valuable asset and you need someone that can help you settle a claim when it's damaged. Mettler Agency will help you by looking for insurance to fit what you need and make sure it offers quality service, tailored coverage and fair pricing.
We want to give you peace of mind by giving your home, condominium or apartment the right coverage.
Where you set your limits – You may choose to set higher limits than the recommended amount if appropriate to your situation and needs
How much you want to cover – Higher deductibles usually lower your premium price by shifting part of the loss payment to you. For example, if you had a $500 deductible, you would be responsible for paying the first $500 of the covered loss
Options you select – Often homeowner insurance options are priced individually, so how much you’ll pay for your policy depends on what coverage you buy
Umbrella Insurance Policies
To really feel secure about protecting your assets and your future, you may need the extra level of protection provided by a personal umbrella liability insurance policy.
An umbrella policy provides additional layers of liability protection. If the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto, or other underlying insurance policy, your umbrella insurance policy takes over and provides you with additional protection. The cost is minimal compared to the comfort of knowing you’re covered.
Once the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto, or other policy, your umbrella policy takes over and provides a second layer of protection of at least $1,000,000. Higher limits may also be available. Talk with Mettler Agency to determine the right amount of coverage for your needs.